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○■ (イ)現在、この 域における治... ([i]) presently, the public order situation in this area has settled, but passing the opposition between the extreme political parties present administration was formed, as for the opposition where the ruling and opposition parties are extreme even now 2 years ago or more continuously the time, also in the future it is necessary to pay attention to the change and the like of public order situation
○■ As for louse suppression the [ma] of the oscillation typhus it is obstructing extending is the object, a liberal translation
○■ The chief medic... The ch ief medical officer for the beleaguered Delhi Commonwealth Games has fallen sick with suspected typhoid just days before the event kicks OFF, an official said Friday.In the run-up to the troubled showpiece, which begins Sunday, health fears have mostly centred ON a serious outbreak in the capital of dengue fever and a potentially fatal mosquito-borne disease. Typhoid, a food and water-borne illness and is also an ever-present danger in India and athletes have been warned to be very careful about their food and water intake. In the model which as for the chief medical officer for the Delhi commonwealth game which you can be troubled, the event depending on febris nervosa doubt before kickoff just several days, as for the authorized personnel as for Friday.In rise Sunday starts and is troubled, to as for healthy anxiety, the execution which centers the majority the [dengu] heat which was said, disease which the fatal mosquito mediates latently. As for serious occurrence note necessity are warned Typhoid, the food and the water to your own food and the water very in the capital city of mediation and the sickness the intake quantity which has the danger India and the player always existing
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