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    Diplomatic correspondence,

    Politics related words Communist Party Regime change Constitution of Japan Dr. Nagai Takashi US-Japan security Constitutional amendment Katsuya Okada 鳩山総理 Ichiro Ozawa, secretary 有識者委員会 核密約 Wikileaks

    • http://ameblo.jp/chibaweblog/entry-10990427202.html
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    • http://blog.goo.ne.jp/wadaura1542/e/5ff6106d579155e4353efc7cc3c777b1
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    • http://hobby-sam.blog.so-net.ne.jp/2012-04-07-6
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    • O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.
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    • It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
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    • recommendation , suggestions, consideration, sentiment , opinion , statument,
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    • It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
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    • It offers the bloggerel of Japanese.
      Assunto para a traducao japonesa.

    • housouhou ihan no henkou NHK ni jushinryou wo harau hitsuyou nashi �� sen kaku mo takeshima mo rekishijou akiraka ni nihonryou tsuchi
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    • Life of lecture record Sato one 斎 (Fukui 昌 justice Japanese Analects of Confucius workshop manager) (part 3)
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    • Even in used nuclear fuel nuclear right
      Sous reserve de la traduction en japonais.

    • The bamboo island and the 尖 official building are Japanese territory
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    • You say that the bureaucracy is greater than the politician, the fact which should be surprised, a liberal translation
      O que voce esta procurando informacoes sobre o Japao encontrado.

    • Secret agreement???
      There was secret agreement of bringing the nuclear weapon between Japan and America, unless it solves even the excessively nonsense 100,000,000 Japanese where… as for America releasing the diplomatic note long ago, as for the Japanese government which publishes bringing the nucleus by the atomic submarine “above there was no prior consultation, as for bringing the nucleus it is the cartoon which is not” the person who doubts that entirely, the nuclear weapon is loaded onto the nuclear submarine recognized the clogging and the bringing of everyone nucleus which are not, why, such a thing after so long a time probably becomes a news,…

    • As for everything whether past thing, with it becomes,
      At the time of the reversion of Okinawa to Japan there was secret agreement, that - - - the diplomatic note which is done in the newspaper becomes clear and but as for the information source the Ministry of Foreign Affairs woman staff →→ everyday reporter, with on the basis of that incident which the incident which is said is in fiction drawing in all the four volumes this work but - - - in the future, with the Democratic party administration it is the expectation where also such matter of bureaucratic main leadership changes, - - - the word that “it leads feeling”, is popular and to home circumstance of the woman becomes clear and way - - thing 1971 securely the various things which remain in memory become simple and secret agreement how are goneAlso ideal way of the journalist who is prayed changing, it probably will enter, but well 2 volumes have not reached yet in labor assistant, it will be arrested and the varieties probably will keep disclosing or as for Yamazaki world development some way?? Also the latest administration alternation it probably is to be written to the novel 10 years later, we would like to read

    • Japanese Letter
      Opinion , linked pages are Japanese

    • How it becomes, “nuclear secret agreement” problem
      When the US military warships it visits to Japan, it assumed that the Japanese government does not bring “denuclearization three principle (with the nucleus, prior consultation not to use) in accordance with government policy, hears the presence of nuclear weapon loading in the American warships, when it is not only, permits stopover, but it did direct and according to the investigation of Minister of Foreign Affairs Okada, as for that with completely lie, as for the American warships, in the diplomatic note of the American side which has also the stopover of the warships which naturally load also the nuclear weapon that it was visited without no check receiving from the Japanese side it became clear, as for successive Liberal Democratic Party government “as for nuclear secret agreementIt is not”, that the administration which is attached alternating, it is rough for the sake of, being, did being lie the ball increase lie clearly with how doing from now on? When to rearrange the American “Freedom of Information Act”, 30 years it elapses in the same way, also the diplomatic note principle information should enact the law which is released, if so it does, “secret agreement: Because also interest of the citizen who if you should have disputed grandly at the National Diet which it is not possible just is increases without thinking of the dropping place which is Foreign Minister Okada should promote Freedom of Information Act

    • [ozawa] and the Japan constitution
      En japones , please visit the following link

    • weblog title
      Also Aoyama was gotten angry with the anchor, but there is no national thing behavior, as for the national thing behavior where how Ozawa's constitution to interpret by mistake is appointing Supreme Court director appointing Prime Minister concretely on the basis of the designation of the National Diet which points to the behavior below (the Japan constitution 6th provision 1st section) on the basis of the designation of the Cabinet (promulgating 6th provision binary) constitution amendment, law, government ordinance and treaty (the Japan constitution 7th provision 1st number) summoning the National Diet (the 7th provision 2nd number) the House of Representatives dispersion (7th provisionThe 3rd number) general election [making public the enforcement of 1] (the 7th provision 4th number) the appointment and dismissal and full power letter of attorney of Minister of state and the other officials where law decides and certifying the credentials of the ambassador and the minister (the 7th provision 5th number) general amnesty, amnesty, reduction of sentence, exemption and reinstatement of execution of punishment (amnesty) certifying (the 7th provision 6th number) conferring honors (decoration) (the 7th provision 7th number) certifying the ratification book and the other diplomatic notes where law decides (the 7th provision 8th number) Receiving the ambassador and the minister of the foreign country (the 7th provision 9th number) the ceremony line [hu] thing (the 7th provision 10th number)

    • You do not understand very well

    • Poseidon's son
      En japonais , linked pages are Japanese

    • (#゜Д゜)/Newspaper
      日語句子 , Japanese talking

    • Okinawa secret agreement “100,000,000 dollar provision and presumption” account record discovery (everyday the newspaper)
      Beaucoup de sujets d'actualite au Japon please visit the following link

    • * Our judgment 4: Loan you recommend, it is enormous
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , original meaning

    • When secret is better, it is.
      When managing the nation, there is secret making everything which you think that certain is proper, clear, it is not good, if it releases, it is time, for example 25 years later or 10 years later passing the examination of the intellectual person, to release, the diplomatic note which you think that it is good the one is good

    • “Release thoroughness after the diplomatic note to 30 year” before the = House of Councillors selection new systematic - Ministry of Foreign Affairs measure headquarters
      Foreign Minister Katuya Okada 16th in the afternoon, the self serves the headquarters chief, way system strengthening step in order makes the rule which is thorough the principle which releases the document which passes 30 years from compilation on the basis of the fact that the diplomatic note regarding the Japanese-American “secret agreement” such as the nuclear bringing which holds the first assembly of the “diplomacy record open document management measure headquarters” at Ministry of Foreign Affairs turns over under the Liberal Democratic Party administration, to advance document disclosure is examined as for indication foreign minister in press conference after this, before the House of Councillors selection of the summer as for the foreign minister who makes the thought of putting out conclusion such as new rule clear beginning with assemblyIn greeting, “it kept the document securely, to release at fixed period, in order to guarantee the transparency of administration it is important” that it emphasized

    • Nuclear secret agreement problem” you think
      Это мнение , Japanese talking

    • Secret agreement
      As for important thing as for the Liberal Democratic Party which probably will be written at anything degree, you insist constitution amendment independent constitution enactment, like whether it has been about probably to make “independent/autonomous” Japan of you can think at first glance, but, as for the actual condition very the Liberal Democratic Party which is the exact opposite following faithfully to the American demand which is American I under faithfulness, as for Okada Katuya secondary representation of the Democratic party which is Japan “when administration is taken, (government) those which have been hidden entirely puts out”, that expressing in the lecture in Osaka city of 14 days, to emphasize the thought of being thorough Freedom of Information Act, Okinawa of 72 yearsAs for the secret agreement which lists the document regarding the secret agreement of the Japanese-American both governments which are related to return to example burden of American side with the contents where the Japanese government takes over, as for Okada who is supported in the diplomatic note of American government from “Japan which is shown in the American Freedom of Information Act continues to say that it is not, (the Japanese government) how many was lies, explanatory responsibility is carried out in the citizen”, you said, (') as for the Japanese government which probably will be reconfirmed, as for the Liberal Democratic Party government which is not our governments, it is the submissive follower of America the Asahi newspaper web sight'

    • Napoleonic III world and [risorujimento
      Comentarios sobre este , original meaning

    • The way which thinks of national thing behavior (3)
      japanese means , for multilingual communication

    • “In diplomatic note 30 years release”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs to systematic enactment
      Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 16th, the “diplomacy record open document management measure headquarters” (Foreign Minister headquarters chief Okada) opened first assembly inside the ministry

    • <The Japanese-American secret agreement > to long-term unclear “regrettable” release rule examination…The foreign minister (everyday the newspaper)
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , Japanese talking

    • Nuclear secret agreement was tied in this way!
      kanji character , please visit the following link

    • In umbrella putting subway power failure = 13,000 person influence - Osaka (current events communication)
      1st 4:15 PM around, between the Osaka city barracks subway valley town line valley town 6 Chome - valley town nine Chome, the village of the Miyakojima departure sentence which is in the midst of travelling it went and descended and it ran the streetcar where transmission of electricity to the streetcar stops with inertia, redid arrival transmission of electricity in the valley town nine Chome stations and started, but when you inspected with the same station which has a power failure again forward the Tennoji station, to discover the fact that the umbrella is caught to vehicle lower part, remove and according to the same city traffic bureau which reopens driving the griddle of vehicle lower part and the power line of rail side contact, as for the subway making, electricityIt has let flow, but the umbrella was caught on vehicle side and as for Osaka city which is seen that transmission of electricity was disturbed, the rain fell, 18 top and bottom line total was late with this trouble where the possibility of dropping the umbrella into the occasion where the passenger gets on and off is high, influence appeared in approximately 13,000 person Railroad fan damage to deliver operation and by disturbance photograph inside the = railroad track, suspension 19 - at the jr west Keio line garage the part car. At the time of derailment = rush, that the conversation “draft budget of Prime Minister and the sedan chair stone person 3 percentage suspension Hatoyama, it probably will persevere,…”(Product sutra newspaper) < diplomatic note > open rule with external intellectual person to examination…Foreign Minister Okada (everyday the newspaper) prime minister, it pretends to inspection, election campaign? (The product sutra newspaper 700 serious job scarcity successful candidates of the) certified public accountant you can roast even with Tochigi and Yamanasi, (j-cast news) < 訃 information > the forest. Four 郎 89 year old = space physicists, evolution of the star research (everyday the newspaper)

    • It continued to be tossed about in the rough seas of history, “Okinawa”
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , original meaning

    • The Japanese-American secret agreement verification report
      belief , Japanese talking

    • 今そこにある危機(231)
      En japones , Feel free to link

    • 「国民の総意」には「現在」と「過去」「未来」があるそうだ。「景気対策」を切望する国民にはあまり関係ないが。
      Em japones , linked pages are Japanese

    • 小沢一郎氏よ、ヒトラーへの道を歩むなかれ!

    • 小沢一郎が推進する「脱官僚」の正体
      Em japones , Feel free to link

    • 天皇陛下の国事行事はすべて内閣の助言と承認の下に行われる⇒要人会見は国事行事ではないw
      Examen, evaluacion y resumen , Japanese talking

    • ガ━(゜Д゜;)━ン新聞
      Essa opiniao , Japanese talking

    • やるよね~(はるな愛風に)
      Em japones , Japanese talking

    • M資金とCIA
      Examen, evaluation, le resume , please visit the following link

    • 岡崎久彦氏の「政府は日米密約を認めよ」は正しい~産経新聞09年7月7日[正論]
      issue , linked pages are Japanese

    • 白紙で
      日本語 , Japanese talking

    • IAEA次期事務局長の懐具合
      The International Atomic Energy Agency (iaea) [hueruki] director meeting length on the 29th, according to that it publishes that 5 people ran as a candidate to the successor election of l rose die/di executive office leader which this year is retired to 11 ends of the month, other than the Amano ambassador of the international organization Japanese mission of resident in Vienna, the south African fought with previous election iaea charge [mintei] ambassador, the Spanish [echiyabari] Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (oecd) atomic energy charge executive office leader, here where they are 5 people of [ponsure] original energy phase from [petoritsuchi] iaea former general meeting chairman, and Belgium of [surobenia] not to be expectation of next term executive office leader selection, the year giving (bosom condition) The iaea board of directors which we would like to introduce (planned budget committee, director national 35 countries) from 27 days it was held in the Vienna headquarters, but according to the diplomatic note regarding the year giving of next term executive office leader which this one procures, as for that year giving to that it is approximately 240,000 dollar connection. Annual approximately 30,000 Europe such as expense is added is provided, has meant that to that approximately 51,548 Europe and child child treatment approximately 30,000 Europe are provided with cost of living adjustment, therefore reach the [ri] exhaust that it is the salary system which dream of dream, with was said in the white-collar worker who to the private small enterprise which is the [ri] has worked, with is not the case that it is said, but l rose die/di executive office leader 4 years ago, can retreat the opposition where the United States is strong and the imagination is possible the reason which Mori is made hard 3 selection running how without, of course, in the United Nations organization not only executive office leader, with the duty ranking salaryBecause system is established, just iaea executive office leader flies and can pull out and cuts off the fact that it is not the case, high giving taking, in any case, the Amano ambassador, to aim toward the chair of next term executive office leader, please persevere

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