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○■ These are many word of blog in Japanese the most recent topics.
○■ やはり、平日はす てます...
○■ あぁ~、しまった !!
○■ 。架・・・デパー の化粧品売...
○■ recent entries... May b e linked to more detailed information..
○■ It offers Japanese Trend , bandwagons , epidemic and Recent fashion in English.
○■ 関東梅雨明けしま たね カラ... To learn more, ask bloggers to link to.
○■ もし、予報が外れ ピーカン... Forecast coming off, becoming tweet the can, me you cannot rise early
○■ To come out of outside, b ecause there is many a thing which walks, we would like to pay attention to heat measure, (the _), a liberal translation
○■ というわけで、前 からトータ... With being the case that it is said, from the last time also 10 became minutes slow with total, (t_t), a liberal translation
○■ The [a] [a] ~ and the ~ w hich is put away!!
With [maji], how it will do,…, a liberal translation
○■ 梅雨明け間際に南 強風が続く... There are times when southwest gale follows to just before the ending of Bai-u, but method of blowing this year is abnormal…, a liberal translation
○■ The Kanto ending of Bai-u stripe it does and the heat which is made seed [karatsu] the hot summer comes, - work ending, the laundry the futon drying distantly, it increases
○■ 関東梅雨明けだっ !!!やっと... Even Kanto ending of Bai-u!!! At last, being released from [shi] ゙ [meshi] ゙ [me], however everyday [i] [i] weather [kanari] it is hot, don't you think?… [o] summer is!!! As much as 9 connected working hard/employment 6th days the [o] we would like to work, [i] [i] o (><) from o last month savings it began favorably continue the [o] -…
○■ 関東梅雨明け
○■ Vinculado paginas web es tan escritas en japones ,
Kanto rainy season,