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    Movie related words Suigetsu capcom Peaches Mon snow, moon, and flowers

    • weblog title
      belief ,
      belief , original meaning

    • Bears Dive Into Big Lots and Marvell And Southwestern Attract Bulls
      The boss at Southwestern Energy wants to buy the rest he doesn't own and setting OFF a bullish stampede. The superior by southwest energy when strong rush is set to off, thinks that we would like to purchase the remaining part which he has not owned
      A saliência na energia do sudoeste quer comprar o descanso que não possui e ajustando FORA um debandada com tendência para a alta. O superior pela energia do sudoeste quando a arremetida forte é ajustada a fora, pensa que nós gostaríamos de comprar a parte restante que não possuiu

    • A good deal for Li Ka-shing but an ugly warning for HK
      When the Channel Tunnel first opened back in 1994, the undersea link between the European continent and Britain was rightly hailed as an engineering marvel. The time link of the seabed which first opened the Anglo-French strait tunnel, in 1994, ties the European continent and England it was praised as a wonder of the engineering just
      Quando o túnel do Canal da Mancha abriu primeiramente para trás em 1994, a ligação submarina entre o continente e a Grâ Bretanha europeus foi granizada direita como uma maravilha da engenharia. A ligação do tempo do fundo do mar que abriu primeiramente o túnel franco-britânico do passo, em 1994, amarra o continente e a Inglaterra que europeus foi elogiado como uma maravilha da engenharia apenas

    • Treasures from Budapest | Visual art review
      Royal Academy and LondonIt is understandable that publicists for this exhibition chose to put Egon Schiele's 1915 work Two Women Embracing ON the posters. Sex sells, and drawing does not come any sexier than Schiele's transfixing image and whose ultimate provocation is the way one of the women looks around at the artist to show that she is gratifying his fantasy. But there is more to the foregrounding of this erotic masterpiece than commerce: it exemplifies a theme that runs through this once-in-a-lifetime show. From the first ROOM, where Hungarian gothic altarpieces are juxtaposed with Italian Renaissance delights, to the last, where Schiele gives you a final thrill and the art of central Europe is richly mingled with extraordinary works from the west that are in Hungary's public collections. I've never seen such a generous loan from one country's museums - by comparison and the Hermitage exhibit at the RA was quite cautious. This is a true blockbuster, practically a museum in itself and stuffed with surprises and marvels. Highlights include a portrait by  Frans Hals that proves him the equal of his contemporary Rembrandt, a pair of working-class heroes painted by Goya, a Raphael homage to Da Vinci and, oh yes and a couple of Leonardo's own greatest designs. And that merely scratches the  surface. The thread that connects it all is a vision of Europe. Western Europe's artistic development has been written as a march of progress since the Renaissance. Hungarian collectors fully subscribed to that version and bought some supreme Italian works. But here you see those paragons alongside carved wooden saints from Hungarian churches in a way that expands your sense of the variety and greatness of the continent's heritage. European art through Hungarian eyes is a landscape made new. Rati As for the royal academy, as for LondonIt, you hold the current events criticism of at this exhibition, in 1915 work posters of [egonshire] and you can understand the fact that the fact that the woman of the cover [ri] which is closed is put in place is chosen
      Opinion , original meaning

    • Democracy Village was a credit to Parliament
      The Westminster protesters gave tourists the impression that our politicians can handle dissentWell, it's a shame that the Democracy Village has gone from Parliament Square and because it really made the Palace of Westminster look like it was capable of handling and absorbing dissent with some aplomb. Any tourist tipping up to visit the Houses of Parliament would surely have been intrigued, if not impressed, to see quite marvellously eccentric tolerance in action before their very eyes and littering up the place and making it look horribly untidy. They'd have been slightly misled and of course. But not as misled as they will be by an empty, manicured lawn and speaking only of a nation content and at ease with its wise and noble political masters.ProtestLondonDeborah Orrguardian.co.uk © Guardian News & Media Limited 2010 | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds As for that because it was made truly with the palace and Westminster, Westminster demonstrators in the sightseer impression the giving which our politicians can handle dissentWell, that in shame, we have gone from the village parliament square of democracy, it seems that processes, it is possible and is to absorb the difference of several opinions calmly,
      Os protestadores de Westminster deram a turistas a impressão que nossos políticos podem segurar o dissentWell, ele são uma vergonha que a vila da democracia foi do quadrado do parlamento e porque fêz realmente o palácio de Westminster olhar como era capaz de segurar e de absorver a dissidência com algum aplomb. Todo o turista que derruba a visita as casas do parlamento certamente seria intrigado até, se não imprimido, para ver a tolerância completamente maravilhosa excêntrica na ação antes de seus olhos mesmos e a desordem acima do lugar e a factura lhe do olhar horrìvea untidy. Seriam enganados ligeiramente e naturalmente. Mas não como enganado como serão por um vazio, gramado manicured e discurso somente de um índice da nação e na facilidade com seu masters.ProtestLondonDeborah político sábio e nobre Orrguardian.co.uk © A notícia & os meios do guardião limitaram 2010 | O uso deste índice é sujeito a nossos termos & circunstâncias | Mais alimenta Quanto para a isso porque foi feito verdadeiramente com o palácio e demonstradores de Westminster, Westminster na impressão do sightseer a doação que nossos políticos podem segurar o dissentWell, que na vergonha, nós foi do quadrado do parlamento da vila da democracia, parece que os processos, são possíveis e são absorver calma a diferença de diversas opiniões,

    • Japanese weblog
      Nihongo ,
      Nihongo , for multilingual communication

    • Election TV debate from a US perspective | Larry Sabato
      The three party leaders' articulacy put US politicians to shame, but Cameron seemed high-handed and Brown old-fashionedFrom an American perspective and there was a clear winner of Britain's first-ever prime ministerial TV debate: Nick Clegg. He looked sharp, was consistently articulate and was able to challenge the other two candidates pointedly and effectively. By contrast and the other candidates gave unmemorable performances. Just as advertised and the incumbent prime minister seemed to belong to a pre-television era. Gordon Brown came across as old and leaden without seeming especially wise. David Cameron was stiff and occasionally uncertain and with an upper-class manner that appeared high-handed at times. Having said that and Clegg had it easy. Almost no one thinks he's the next prime minister and so the pressure was OFF. Both Brown and Cameron were respectful and friendly because they covet his voters. Both the Labour and Tory candidates occasionally used Clegg as a battering ram against the real opponent. In an American context, the three party leaders were marvellously articulate, putting US politicians to shame and including Barack Obama - who can be stilted without his teleprompter. This was a debate steeped in details and policy. There were plenty of memorised soundbites and yet the format encouraged quick thinking and gave voters a sense of the mental agility of each candidate. The subjects of the questions were familiar to anyone who watched the 2008 US presidential clashes: immigration, education, the healthcare system and war casualties. The answers were different and for sure. Americans wouldn't necessarily have recognised the reasonable, constructive, multi-party approach to immigration, the informative commentary about educational reform and the consensus about the worth of gov Accuracy of the leader of 3 parties puts the American politician in regrettable, but as for [kiyameron] high pressure and the Brown old fashionedFrom American point of view way, the clear winner of the television discussion of English first prime minister: [nitsukukuretsugu] it was done
      Un monton de temas de actualidad en Japon , linked pages are Japanese

    • JD Salinger: A guy you'd want to call up (but he wouldn't take calls)
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